
1.安心·安全 大阪是日本第二大都市,安全又清洁。
2.丰富的学校交流成果和值得信赖的接待环境 大阪的学校交流,由曾经担任过校长的专属协调员协助交流。 由于协调员对学校体系了解得很透彻。因此,对学生而言可以实现富有成效的交流。 2017年,大阪共接待了来自全世界15个国家,约200所学校的6000多名学生。 作为大都市的大阪拥有很多学校,其中还有被文部科学省指定的, 在特殊领域进行高层次教育的“超级科学高中(SSH)”, 以及“超级国际高中(SGH)”等各具特色的学校。

关于大阪B&S(Brothers&Sisters )计划
费用:每人2,600日元(不含税) *不包括交通费,入场费和餐费。
大阪B&S事务局( JTB教育旅游大阪分公司)
电话:06-6252-2829 (9:30-17:30周六,周日,节假日休息)
Visit to university/vocational school for studying abroad
Osaka has not only universities which offer various fields of academic study but also vocational schools called “Senmon Gakkou”. Senmon Gakkou is a higher educational institution and gives you practical vocational education. Many international students study hard in Senmon Gakkou for their future. Osaka Convention & Tourism Bureau helps international students and overseas schools that consider studying in Osaka find schools for their campus/school tours and briefing sessions. Please feel free to contact us any time. (We receive requests by the school.)
Reasons why Osaka is recommended for the destination to study abroad
・Osaka is a big city with Kansai International Airport, and yet, it is an international and friendly city. Osaka won third place in the Most Livable Cities in the world 2018*. It is said to be lower on living expenses than the other big cities in Japan. There are many part time job opportunities. Many schools and universities have persons or departments which support international students.
*The Economist Intelligence Unit (The EIU) 2018
・Starting with World EXPO 2025, a lot of international conferences and events will be held in Osaka. Thus, many international students are expected to play active parts in various scenes in the future.
・Osaka is close to Kyoto and Nara. Its own culture is rich and it still remains. Osaka is also full of various charms such as pop culture including cartoons, animation films and games and a wide range of food culture from Kappo (Japanese cuisine) and Ramen.
Your life in Osaka must be fun!

Contact us
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 06-6282-5908
School Visit Program Statistics